Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Freeplay Lights Updates
Jennifer Kays has over twenty years experience with all natural health care products. She provides the highest quality all natural health care products through http://www.sweetmedicineessentials.com
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Breast Health
Superfoods: U - Z
There is a piece of equipment available in many gyms and homes that has been shown in tests to be unsurpassed for assisting in your weight loss goals - want to know what it is?
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Superfoods: U - Z
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Cooking: The Definitive Art Form
There is an age old saying � �The Way To A Man�s Heart Is through His Stomach�. Well, let it be known, that the way to everyone�s heart is through his/her stomach, both figuratively and literally. To achieve this extraordinary feat all you have to be is a good cook. But, herein lays a difficulty. Cooking is not everyone�s cup of tea, and people have to fine tune their culinary skills over the years to have any semblance of mastery over this art form.
Good cooking takes you to heaven or any place that you call heaven for that matter. So what exactly is �cooking�? Something so important has a very simple meaning. It is the time worn process of preparing food. The phrase �cooking� also includes the act of �eating�. While cooking a person has to keep in mind a whole lot of factors that would finally lead to the making of some delicious food. Namely, there are three things that must be kept in mind while cooking: the mixture of the ingredients used, and the inherent digestibility of the food.
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Bentonite Capsules | Bentonite Clay | Bentonite Clay Powder | Sodium Bentonite | Calcium Bentonite
Labels: Whole Foods
Natural Healing Info
Been to a grocery store lately?
Does your mouth start to water when you pass aisle after aisle of?.
-Potato chips
-Pop tarts
-Ice cream
-Fresh baked pastries
-Carbonated beverages
-Syrups with high fructose corn syrup
Mmmmm?I can almost taste it right here from my computer.
How does that fit into your fitness plan, or your weight loss diet plan?
Gooey chocolate chip cookies, devil?s food cakes, ultra high sugar cereals?all washed down with your favorite carbonated beverage.
Uh oh, there goes your weight loss diet plan.
Ok, I?m getting off track here?.and so is your fitness plan.
Let?s focus and regroup.
Here?s a challenge for you (pay attention, this is a good start to a weight loss diet plan)?
Next time you go to the grocery store, put 10 healthy things that will help achieve your overall fitness plan and your weight loss diet plan in your cart before you put 1 unhealthy thing.
Yep, you heard right.
It?s not only a challenge, but this should be the way (now and always) you grocery shop for you and your family.
For every 10 things for your fitness plan?.you are allowed 1 ?treat?.
So, for example?you could put things in your cart like:
-Assorted fruits and vegetables
-Lean meats (chicken, beef, some kinds of fish, etc.)
-Whole grains
-Low fat yogurt (no sugar added)
Then?..after 10 of these items that help you achieve your weight loss diet plan?.you can go ahead and ?treat? yourself to one of those high calorie, ?fat in the box? cookies??.if you so desire.
But here?s a little secret?
A shocking, little-known, secret that will keep you on your fitness plan like glue?
You think you can handle it?
Ok, here goes?
After you start CONSISTENTLY buying and eating healthier foods?you will no longer be interested in those ?treats??which will eventually do nothing but make you feel bad?but you WILL BE HAPPY about your newly found self-esteem, and your body will be very thankful?it may sound hard to believe right now?but it?s true?.very true.
Because you are CONSISTENTLY conditioning yourself to eat healthier foods and following your fitness plan and staying on top of your weight loss diet plan?and your body is responding to it?
Better yet, your body is EXPECTING it.
I remember when I was back in college and when I was eating very healthy and working out like a champ, I was following my fitness plan to a ?T??
I was doing this very consistently for a good while?then, one night I went out to dinner with some friends.
Didn?t really think about how I had been eating lately (very healthy) and ordered myself a nice juicy, fatty hamburger and fries.
Well, about a ? hour later, after my stomach kept asking me ?What in the world is this in here???I became very familiar with the bathroom for a little while.
Ok, I didn?t tell you that story to make you scared of eating hamburgers, or say that you can never, ever, ever eat anything you want or crave?
But be smart.
Use your common sense.
Follow your fitness plan.
Stay on your weight loss diet plan.
Eating Twinkies will never help you lose the fat off your body.
Neither will the candy bars.
Or the?.
Well, you get the picture.
So?realize that it all STARTS at your local grocer.
And if you follow my advice, you can make sure it doesn?t END on your waistline.
I?ll talk to you soon.
Chris C.
P.S. You think this is the end-all, be-all of fitness and nutritional tips? Well, it?s not even close?just go on over to www.fitnesswithchris.com and look at all of the information I have for you for you to follow and improve your fitness plan.
About the Author:
Chris Callegari, founder of http://www.fitnesswithchris.com is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.
Topics on Goji BerryMaca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.
Having a sense of accomplishment is a great way to stay motivated and determined to see this through. For this, the ideal diet would be a more flexible one, like the Mayo Clinic Plan, which puts more emphasis on eating healthy choices � like having your fill of unlimited fruits and veggies � than eliminating unhealthy ones. This plan lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and cuts down the risk for heart, disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
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Maca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.
Frozen Wheatgrass Juice
If you like to have actual fitness equipment in the office, you can do a few things. One, you might want to replace your office chair with a balance ball. This will help you work your core muscles all day as well as take any additional pressure off your back and neck. You can also use it during your lunch hour for exercise or as a stress reliever when you're under a lot of pressure. You can also fit resistance bands into your desk quite easily and pull them out whenever you need the extra exercise boost.
If you don't want to have fitness equipment in the office, but still want to exercise, you need to look at your surrounding for inspiration. A normal chair is a great supporting point for leg lifts and glute lifts. You can also do squats into your chair, quickly coming up as soon as you touch the seat. You can find heavy office supplies and equipment to lift for resistance or you can flex your muscles in order to increase your tone. Right now, you can pull your abdominal muscles in tightly and see how long you can leave them in that position. Try to repeat this as often as you can.
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Frozen Wheatgrass Juice