Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fullers Earth Clay for nutrition
Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Lead to Weight Loss Success?
by: Marsha J. Hudnall, MS, RD, CD
So your neighbor, office mate, best friend, whoever just lost 10 pounds in only two weeks following the latest in high protein low carbohydrate diets. And now youre thinking you should give it a go -- have even started the search for high protein low carbohydrate recipes?
True, high protein low carb diets seem to be leading many people to weight loss success. Trouble is, they seemed to do it 30 years ago, too. They were the rage in the early 70s, and look where many of us are today: growing fatter with each decade.
The bottom line: Diets -- low carb diets or not -- simply dont work for the vast majority of people. If that doesn't convince you, look at some of the reasons why high protein low carbohydrate diets seem to create weight loss success stories -- but really don't.
Im not hungry when I eat high protein low carb diets.
Many people say they feel more satisfied eating low carbohydrate diets. And indeed, studies show protein is the most satiating nutrient. Proteins and fat (which is usually in high protein low carbohydrate foods) cause your body to release cholecystokinin, a hormone that contributes to the feeling of fullness. Some protein in meals and even snacks may help us feel more satisfied and go longer between eating. But the key word is some. We dont need an excess of protein, or low carb diets, to get these effects. By just eating balanced meals that contain grain/starchy foods, protein foods, vegetables and/or fruits and some fat, most people can achieve the same satiety. One other important note is that hunger control with low carbohydrate diets is often the result of ketosis (when your body burns fat for fuel.) Ketosis is very unhealthy, causing nausea, headaches, fatigue, even coma.
Results are results I saw successful weight loss, didnt I?
Many people do lose weight on high protein low carb diets. Instead of fat, however, they're initially losing more water than anything else -- and it quickly returns once off low carb diets. They seem to see successful weight loss, too, because low carb diets restrict many foods, resulting in eating less than usual.
The big question is: Is it really successful weight loss if it doesn't stay off? For most people, if weight loss is achieved quickly and with a restrictive method such as a diet that does not allow for individual likes and dislikes, then the lost pounds will return, along with discouragement, defeat and even more pounds than before. Whats more, high protein low carb diets may also increase risk for health problems such as osteoporosis, cancer, even heart disease. A healthy intake of whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables -- often on the avoid list in high protein low carb diets appears to help reduce this risk, and is the mainstay of a sensible plan to achieve weight loss success.
Create your own weight loss success story.
Despite what you hear about high protein low carb diets, there's little evidence that weight loss success is truly (permanently) achieved. What's more, disordered eating behaviors are usually reinforced by high protein low carb diets, adding to the struggles that low carbohydrate diets and other diets are supposed to solve. Stop dieting now and start living a healthy lifestyle that truly leaves you feeling good!
About The Author ©2004 Green Mountain at Fox Run, Ludlow, Vermont. Marsha J. Hudnall, MS, RD, LD is director of health communications and senior nutritionist at Green Mountain at Fox Run ( For over 32 years, Green Mountain at Fox Run has developed and refined a life-changing program exclusively for women seeking permanent strategies for healthy weight loss and health ( To learn more about Green Mountain at Fox Run, visit our website at: |
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Dieting presents many complications if you are not fully committed to changing your lifestyle. Many people are more than willing to pick the parts of the diet that they are comfortable with, only to hang onto the bad habits that got them there in the first place.
Dieting presents many complications if you are not fully committed to changing your lifestyle. Many people are more than willing to pick the parts of the diet that they are comfortable with, only to hang onto the bad habits that got them there in the first place.
Dieting presents many complications if you are not fully committed to changing your lifestyle. Many people are more than willing to pick the parts of the diet that they are comfortable with, only to hang onto the bad habits that got them there in the first place.
Alcohol can play in important role in your diet more than just the added calories or carbohydrates:
- Alcohol creates an acidic environment in your body. The kidneys have a hard time ridding your body of the waste and create problems in cellular function. You wont get the most out of your body since it is concentrating on other functions that can be alleviated. If you smoke when you drink, it just adds more acid forming ash into the process.
- Sleep patterns are affected by alcohol. Your body is not properly rested after a night of intoxicated sleep. Hangovers are the proof you need. If you are dieting, your body will need to work overtime. Alcohol doesnt help the situation, and actually makes it worse.
- Munchies. Most of us eat more when we drink. Our bodies become hungry because they need to balance out the consumption. Fruit just really doesnt go that well with beer. How many late night pizzas have you had? They are tasty, but no good for your weight loss plan.
- Alcohol impairs your judgment so you really dont care about your diet. Youll regret it in the morning, but you are just concerned about right now. Eat, drink, and be merry, and least for tonight.
- Dehydration. Cotton mouth is the least of your problems. Muscle stiffness and lack of thought process might be more of a hindrance throughout the day.
Of course, it is acceptable to have a couple of social cocktails every now and then. But you need to close the gap on the separation of what you know you should do and what you want to do. Thats where dedication and motivation come into play. Get the most from your efforts by focusing them in the right place and sticking to your well-thought-out plan.
You do need to reward yourself for all of your good efforts, but dont pick something that will reverse all the hard dieting goals youve met. Moderation is the key in losing weight, and alcohol is no different.
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Have you heard of Nightlight
Now, I know what you are thinking. This guy has lost his mind! He is completely bonkers! Well hold on and hear me out. You will not be able to keep weight off for a lifetime by following a special diet. What you have to do is just change your eating habits and some of the foods you eat.
Because most diets direct you to either eliminate a large amount of foods or they restrict carbohydrates or fats too much they cannot be maintained over a long period of time and are doomed to fail.
What most people fail to do at the outset is to realize that the main reason for eating is to give your body what it needs to stay healthy. Talk to Jack LaLanne, he is over 90 years old and he has never eaten so much as a piece of candy or drank a soda or beer. He only puts natural foods in his body. He says is man makes it he doesn't eat it. The fact of the matter is natural foods just taste good in addition to being good for you.
Another problem with diets is that most of them expect you to count calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates every time you eat something. Is that something that you can do for the rest of your life? Do you want to?
Once you have achieved your optimal weight what you want to do is eat just enough to maintain the proper weight and be careful not to allow the weight to creep back up on you.
To be successful in losing weight and keeping it off it has to be because you want it as well and you cannot be doing it for someone else. There is no way that you can stay disciplined if you aren't doing it for yourself.
The most important tool in your ability to maintain your weight at the level that you desire is your mind. That's right. It is not an exercise machine or a pill or potion. You have to set your mind to it that you want to do it and that it is important to you.
In order to develop healthy eating habits that can be followed for a lifetime it is crucial that you learn about the nutrients in the foods that you are eating. With the internet this is simple. All you have to do is go to one of the Medical sites like MedWeb or the government's Food and Nutrition Information Center.
The problem with many so called diets is that they end up making your body go into starvation mode and you end up gaining weight instead of losing. The best method is to eat a healthy balanced diet of moderate portions and be patient.
About the Author
Glenn Freiboth is a Certified Health Advisor lives in Illinois and has helped many overweight and obese people lose weight and keep it off.
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