Monday, September 01, 2008
A blog about Hoodia Gordonii
Weight loss plans come in all shapes and sizes. Some are fad diets that are too restrictive to follow more than a couple of weeks, while others are provided by professionals that make customized plans for us. All of them give us some guidelines on what we should and shouldnt eat to ultimately reach our weight loss goals. No matter how many food plans we try, healthy or unhealthy, there are some fundamental things you must know in order to be successful in a weight loss program that, believe it or not, have nothing to do with food.
1. Readiness- Are you ready to make change in your life right now? How would you know? The reason many weight loss plans fail is because people are not truly emotionally ready for change. In order to have true lifelong weight loss you have to commit to trading your old habits in for a new, healthier lifestyle. This has more to do with readiness for change than a desire to shed pounds- there is a big difference. The good news is, as you start on the journey to change these old habits you will be amazed how much better you feel physically, psychologically, and emotionally. This is the place where the people who have experienced long term weight loss have entered and want to stay. When you are truly committed to changing your lifestyle you will achieve lifelong weight loss and so much more!
Ask yourself a few questions. Are you ready to make permanent dietary changes for you and your family? Are you ready to start exercising regularly? Are you ready to defend your new lifestyle changes to those who are undermining your efforts? Dont fret if you arent completely ready to dive into change. This is the stage to keep up the learning process by reading articles and gathering information. You will know when the time is right and that will be when you answer an unequivocal Yes! to the above questions.
2. Developing a vision. When I ask people what their goals are for a weight loss program the answer is always, to lose weight of course, or to lose x amount of pounds. It is crucial to have another more, heart-felt reason to lose weight other than losing pounds and appearance. This is because when times are tough, and they will be during any change process, you will need a heart-felt or internal reason to lose the weight to keep you motivated. Losing weight for appearance is ok but it is an external reason and will not help to keep you motivated for long.
In the past my clients have chosen things like, being able to play with their kids, running a marathon, backpacking trip they have longed to go on for years, and a big motivator is often a health condition. I call this your vision. It is imperative to take a few minutes to learn what your vision is. What is important to you that you will be able to achieve with weight loss? Write this vision down and plaster it everywhere so you always see your end goal and it will always help to motivate you further when times are tough.
3. Self Talk is yours negative or positive? Unfortunately its true that we are our own worst critics and like hearing any critic it often leads us to failure because we believe the critic is right. Furthermore, we start to believe things are true that are absolutely not true. For instance, if a child is told they are a klutz from an early age they will likely always think they are a klutz. We believe what we are told repeatedly.
What do you tell yourself? One common statement I hear a lot of these days is, I cant eat carbohydrates because once I start I cant stop. This is a belief that you have set up from constant defeating self-talk and once you believe it then no doubt you will act it out. However, there is no scientific reason why a person would not be able to stop eating after having a bite of carbohydrates. Your belief makes it your reality. So whenever you hear yourself say I cant do something or any other self-defeating talk. Stop yourself and change the sentence to a positive. For example, I realize that carbs have been a challenge for me in the past but I can eat a portion and put the rest away for later. Keep working on your own positive reinforcement by being gentler with yourself and tell yourself all that you CAN do.
4. Be prepared for change. All weight loss programs require us to change a habit yet no one warns us about the process of change. The first thing to know is that the beginning of change is difficult and uncomfortable. This is because it forces us to get off autopilot and focus on our new behaviors. Luckily it takes about 21 days to make a new habit and the uncomfortable part goes away and our new habits become autopilot.
For example: Imagine you get your dream job and it requires that you have to get up at 5:30am. Yikes! You normally get up at about 7:30 am. So, what do you think will happen that first morning when the alarm goes off at 5:30? You arent going to feel so great and your body is going to beg you to get back into your warm bed! This will go on for about 2-3 weeks until your body stops fighting you and realizes this is the new habit. The same thing will happen to you when you change eating and exercise habits. Just expect a little resistance and keep going! Your new healthy changes will eventually become your new habit. You just have to keep at it.
Meri Raffetto, 2005
About the Author
Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. Get her free monthly newsletter to receive nutrition tips, healthy recipes, and more! Sign up at
Hoodia GordoniiLose Weight Naturally with Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pill (Turks.US)
Tue, 12 Aug 2008 16:21:14 GMT
If you are thinking on how to lose weight, then you have to spend more energy then what you receive for your meals. You have to lose more calories than what you intake.
Nutraceuticals World - Weight loss gum with hoodia.(NEW PRODUCTS)
Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2007 -- Zoft Gum Co., Port St. Lucie, FL, has introduced Zoft Hoodia Gum, which the company says aids in weight loss using the appetite suppressing...
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White Stevia Extract Reviews and information
Heavy metal detox with chlorella is an idea that you may wish to pursue. It is likely that you have had dental fillings during one of your regular visits to the doctor before, especially if you are older. Natural health experts say that one of the main causes of heavy metal toxins in the body is from amalgam dental fillings or other medical devices that may be implanted in you. Traces of heavy metals can then enter your bloodstream and create numerous health issues.
What are harmful in the dental fillings include the mercury, cadmium, and lead that it contains. These metals bind with proteins, making them difficult to function. Many of these proteins are cell receptors, enzymes, or hormones; each having a purpose that is going unfulfilled.
Heavy metals are linked with a host of neural disorders and underdevelopment in brain matter. These diseases associated with metal toxicity include autism, Alzheimer?s, Epilepsy, Crone?s Disease, irritable bowel syndrome and others. As such, detoxifying the body of these pollutants is very important. Research studies have also shown that the lead in these dental fillings is a contributor to cancer.
Chlorella is a type of green algae. It has a fibrous outer shell that actually binds with the heavy metals in the bloodstream and assists in pulling them out of tissues. Chlorella has unique detoxification ability in that its cellular structure has three layers with an extremely think middle layer which enables it to carry toxins out of the body directly. It actively absorbs toxins, making it indispensable in today?s overly chemicalized world.
Chlorella has been on this earth for billions of years already. It is one of earth?s first plants and has the highest concentration of chlorophyll. This makes it one of the healthiest food. It has even earned the title of being the ?perfect food?. NASA has also decided that it will be one of the first foods grown on the space station!
Other than for heavy metal detox, there is evidence to show that chlorella stimulates the production of interferon, one of our body?s greatest defenses against cancer. It promotes T-cell activity, thereby enhancing the immune system to more effectively fight off bacteria and viruses. Additional benefits are increased vitality and energy sure to the nature of its pure nutrients.
The process of detoxifying these metals will take somewhere between three to six months. However, do persist if you really would like to purge heavy metal traces from your body. Check with your doctor and ask your local health store if you intend to get some chlorella for heavy metal detox.
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White Stevia Extract NewsHemp Moisturisers
Gene Variation Slowing Metabolism Of Caffeine May Play A Role For Increase Risk Of Heart Attack In Some Individuals
Drinking coffee and the increase risk of having a heart attack has been under debate for a long time. Some researchers say the risk lies within your genes, and one particular variation in a gene can slow metabolism of caffeine and increase the risk of heart attack.
Coffee is the most commonly stimulant used around the world by millions of people every day. If researchers could determine for a fact it is harmful physicians would be able to identify patients most at risk of heart disease and give advice against coffee drinking. Further is that no one knows exactly what chemical in coffee could be involved in the increased risk of heart disease. It is an issue widely debated. Caffeine is probably the chemical most thought of as the culprit. Whether or not caffeine works alone to cause the risk or when combined with other chemicals or other factors is also unknown. Research about whether or not coffee increases the risk of having a heart attack continues to be very important.
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Hemp Moisturisers
Weight Loss
Though fresh are always an excellent option, the lycopene in cooked tomatoes is actually absorbed more readily by the body. It is also your ally in the battle against heart disease.
Quercetin, a flavonoid that forms the backbone of many other flavonoids, may have positive effects in combating or helping to prevent many different types of cancer, including prostate. It also acts as an antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties, which may be helpful in relieving the pain of an inflamed prostate.
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Weight Loss
Stagnito's New Products Magazine - Better beverages: healthier drinks flow across category.(STATE OF THE INDUSTRY: Beverages)
Sat, 01 Sep 2007 07:00:00 GMT
September 1, 2007 -- Tea dominated the beverage category this year in terms of new product creations, pushing aside energy drinks and juices with 482 new product...
Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)
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