Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Goji Berries Updates
3. Depression: Depression affects mind, body and sex life!
4. Stress: Any stress is bad stress and could possibly be your impotence problem.
5. Sickness: If your body is taken care of, you would be surprised of the outcomes!
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Yerba Mate Leaf
Thyroid Support and Zinc
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Superfoods: F - J
� 48 hours after you stop smoking, you will not have any nicotine in your body. Your sense of taste and smell will be much stronger after you stop smoking.
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Superfoods: F - J
Labels: Quality Goji Berries | Superb Goji Berries | Health
Slimming Aids for health
Fri, 02 Jan 2009 17:28:45 GMT
Be the Change Common Ground, CA - From the very first sessions, you will see and feel the benefits of the Organic Slimming Therapy. HolisticSlim, 5919 Kanan Rd Agoura, CA 91301 Pursuing a ... |
Magnetic Therapy
Tue, 13 Jan 2009 09:45:11 EDT
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How to Increase Your Fat and Sugar Burning to Aid Weight Loss
Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:02:19 EST
In order to carry through a successful weight reduction process, your over-weight must be attacked from several angles at the same time. Among other measures, you also have to increase your burning of...
Reviews of Slimming AidsAsthma
We also find toxins in our vegetables, our meats, our dairy products, a great lot of thought has to go into your selection of foods.
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Natural Toothbrushes
If the fish oil supplement contains vitamin A then there is an increased risk of vitamin A toxicity. Cod liver oil for example, is produced from the liver of fish where vitamin A is stored and can contain potentially high levels of Vitamin A so it is best avoided.
Fish oil can also go rancid very quickly and as Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant it is added to some fish oils to keep them fresh. There have been some studies indicating that taking fish oil can increase the need for antioxidants so it is advisable to look for fish oil that has vitamin E added.
Other studies have suggested that fish oil might increase levels of low density lipoprotein (LDP) or bad cholesterol, but this depends on the dosage.
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Did you hear of Health and Nutrition
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 1999 -- A.M. Todd Botanicals has introduced a full line of standardized herbal extracts in granulated form for improved product consistency and...
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Health and NutritionEnhance Your Health Through Internal Cleanliness
Internal and external cleanliness are both important. But the truth that may not be very obvious to a lot of people is that internal cleanliness is vastly more important. Most of the diseases we acquire such as headaches, skin problems and others are due mostly to impure blood and the poisoning of the system because of constipation.
The very best measure for promoting internal cleanliness, which I have ever learned, is a method of flushing the alimentary canal. The essence of this treatment consists in the plentiful drinking of moderately hot water the first thing in the morning.
Hot water drinking is no new thing. The trouble with those who try it is that they usually do not drink enough. The right way calls for the drinking of anywhere from one to two quarts or more. One or two cups to be taken at time intervals of about five minutes ? with exercises performed during the intervals. The water should not be too hot, just hot enough for one to be able to drink it down rapidly.
No one can consume two quarts or more of hot water in this way in the course of thirty or forty minutes without accomplishing a very thorough and effective flushing of the alimentary canal. As a means of relief from constipation, it is far superior to the usual colon flushing method.
This is not a constipation cure. It is a constipation preventive measure, and that means a great deal more. A cure means a remedial measure for a condition in which harm has already been accomplished. Prevention is a measure, which keeps one in such perfect condition that no disturbance of bodily functions and no poisoning or injury of the body can he accomplished.
Further, this particular plan gives one an appetite such as cannot be obtained from any tonic or stomach stimulant. Incidentally the general effects are also felt in improving the complexion, making the skin smooth, and clearing the voice. It also improves the powers of assimilation so much so that those who are thin and skinny can regain normal weight.
___________________________________ Author resource box This article is an excerpt from the e-book, The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness & Health for the Middle-aged and Beyond. Visit the e-book's website to find unique natural fitness and health tips, all proven highly effective. Numerous other excellent fitness e-books are also available at |
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