Sunday, March 09, 2008
Yerba Mate Information
It is known that bee pollen combs and spurs are used in the comb making and maintaining of the hive. Bee pollen combs and spurs and found in hive and is a by-product of bee pollen. Bees collect this pollen from the flowers that it visits and carries it back to the hive where it is used to make essential foods and other products for the queen and other bees.
Bee pollen combs and spurs are made from a substance called Propolis, which has been found to display antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Propolis found in bee pollen combs and spurs is used to prepare for the queen to lay her eggs by providing an atmosphere akin to a hospital. Bee pollen is said to have every single nutrient required for sustaining human life packed into one single granule.
Bee Pollen Combs & Spurs in the Hive
Propolis is glue like substance, as mentioned above, that is found in the hive of the honeybees. It is collected between the bee pollen combs and spurs in the hive and is present in many nutrients. It is a miraculous substance in that it provides the hive with antiseptic qualities, antibacterial properties as well as acting as an anti-fungal. An analysis of Propolis found in bee pollen combs and spurs shows an astounding 55 % resinous compounds and balsams.
With that kind of ingredient list it is easy to see why bee pollen Propolis if found in many hair products and make up products in today?s society. Bee pollen contains a ton of flavonoids, which are directly related to contributing to the antibacterial qualities of this gluey product that is found in the bee pollen combs and spurs.
The Russians in particular were very interested in the Propolis product that comes the bee pollen combs and spurs and conducted extensive research and studies. In fact, in the medical and research community, the substance is sometimes referred to as the ?Russian Penicillin?.
The Soviets found one of the most amazing discoveries about Propolis is that it didn?t depress the immune system and that is amazing because today?s medicine often is found to depress the immune system with unfavorable results. Bee pollen and bee pollen products actually promotion the healthy function and improves immune system function.
The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels. We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information. John Gibb runs a series of health websites. Check out our Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen. |
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