Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Did you hear of Health and Wellbeing
Scott Worswick is an Englishman living in the Philippines with a background in Business Ownership and Direct Sales in the UK, currently owner of Aquaculture Farm and Pharmanex Distributor here in the Philippines.
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MSM ready to hate Denver
Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:07:14 EDT
Or at least to be highly pissed off while they're here for the Democratic National Convention. You k
MSM-30 posts gains; volume falls
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 15:54:40 CST
MUSCAT — The MSM-30 index moved up 0.82 per cent to close at 10185 points yesterday. The market breadth was positive at 26 advances and 16 declines, ...
He'll spit in your eye and lie about doing so! - OpEdNews
Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:41:43 GMT
He'll spit in your eye and lie about doing so! OpEdNews, PA - Anyone who believes what he says and what the US MSM regurgitates from Rove's spin is a fool. Internationally and domestically if you're not in the top 1% ... |
Rejecting The Obnoxious "All Or Nothing" Narrative - Bruins Nation
Tue, 01 Apr 2008 12:45:50 GMT
Rejecting The Obnoxious "All Or Nothing" Narrative Bruins Nation, CA - However, we shouldn't use their words to accept the MSM narrative that these Final-4s don't mean anything unless we win the NC. Every single one of Coach ... |
MSMThe Diet Which Worked For Me
The diet that worked for me
I have had a lot of issues and problems with my weight. It has had a major effect on my life, it knocked my confidence and I had an all round low self-esteem.
A couple of years ago I decided to do something about it, to try to lose some of my excess fat. I had heard of many different types of diet most of which I felt were not suitable for me and even sounded disgusting.
I decided on self-help, doing it my way. I knew that exercise would need to be a factor, however was not willing to join a gym. Gyms seem full of people who are already thin! I started to walk a lot more instead of driving everywhere, and started to play tennis again, even though I must admit am pretty rubbish it. I am not exactly the most athletic person and this basically was all the exercise I did.
The main reason I was overweight was because of my poor diet. I like to eat the types of food you are told not to. I love pizzas, a curry, chips, peanuts and especially alcohol. Most people I knew would tell me to cut out all of these from my diet completely- get real! Sorry, that's not possible, I enjoy them too much.
I thought about what to do and decided that I would start to write down everything I ate. I would eat a healthy breakfast and then would try not to eat until lunch. I am somebody who loves to snack, eating crisps and chocolate especially. I knew that to not eat anything until lunch would be difficult but I had a plan. Whenever I felt hungry or a desire for food I would eat a polo mint or if at home would clean my teeth. Sounds crazy but it worked for me! I would also not eat between lunch and my evening meal. The evening meal would be my biggest meal of the day and would include anything I wanted including chips. On the weekend I would always treat myself to a takeaway and would allow myself some alcohol.
This type of diet needs a lot of discipline and character, however you do not have to do that much exercise or cut any type of food from your diet.
Good luck.
About the Author
Stephen Hill has a number of websites including:
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