Saturday, April 12, 2008
Have you heard of Enhance Libido
Research and studies of intake of antioxidants have shown that those who were supplementing their diet showed lesser signs of aging than those who did not. Antioxidants work with your immune system, making it stronger and healthier in order to delay the cycle of aging.
There are antiaging nutritional supplements and antioxidants found in the form of capsules, which you should not take until you have consulted your medical doctor even if these drugs can be purchased without prescription.
Another means of getting your daily intake of antiaging antioxidants is to focus your diet on healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, white lean meat such as chicken, turkey or fish. If you cannot reach your daily intake of vitamins and minerals through your food, you can ask your healthcare practitioner or a dietician for guidance and expertise. By asking for advice from your general practitioner or dietician you will be get a proper diet plan, which will be formulated for your body and metabolism. If the diet alone is not enough a supplement will be advised as well.
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Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater
Gift Certificates
� No Preservatives. Avoid foods that contain chemicals in them such as BHT or BHA. If these preservatives are found anywhere on the label, give the food a miss, as these chemicals can be harmful to your pet.
� No by-products. By-products are the parts of meat that are unsuitable for consumption, such as the feet, necks and intestines of other animals. As you can imagine these parts of animals were not made to be digested by humans, dogs or any animals for that matter.
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Gift Certificates
Eco Friendly Zone
Patients with hemochromatosis should not take supplements unless there are documented deficiencies. There is evidence that those with hemochromatosis may also have an increased ability to absorb other heavy metals. While iron may be removed by bleeding it is very difficult to remove other excess heavy metals.
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Eco Friendly Zone
Enhance LibidoCodex and the Health Protection Branch
As a professional medical researcher, I have been attempting to make some sense of the activities of the Health Protection Branch (HPB) lately.
As a professional medical researcher, I have been attempting to make some sense of the activities of the Health Protection Branch (HPB) lately.
To understand why the HPB is making sweeping changes in the natural health product industry, Im inclined to introduce you to CODEX, other wise known as the World Health Organization (WHO). Thats right, WHO.
WHO has a connection with CODEX and the HPB. They are officially known as the United Nations/World Health Organization/CODEX Alimentarius (Nutrition Code) Commission. This Commission meets every two years with stakeholders in the industry.
By virtue of the fact that the natural health product industry and the public do not have representation at CODEX meetings, CODEX can be considered the largest threat to our health choices in todays modern world. Why? Simply because CODEX has unilateral capability and biased authority to control the standards for the health industry and its products.
The media has also been shielded from the truth behind this secretive group because they prefer their actions to be kept secret. For example, Bill C-7 (C-8 in Canada) was passed using secret wording that the public was not privy to.
Why the deflection of disclosure? Could it not be CODEX and the HPB are not forth coming with the truth about their activities because they stand to gain substantial financial considerations when the NHP market prices skyrocket. After all, they would be the absolute regulatory body!
Just what is the Codexs role in the NHP industry? They claim to guide and protect the foods industry. While traditionally all natural health products (NHPs) would fall under the foods category unless they make a health claim, CODEX intent is to change NHPs to the status of drug thus the reasoning as to why many consumers and other stakeholders continue to be confused as to whether a natural health product is a food or a drug.
Consider this. Does CODEX and the giant pharmaceutical backed companies have our best interest in mind when they make a statement like no herbal products, minerals or vitamins can be sold for preventative purposes? Isnt that the purpose of such products? Hasnt the health industry branded their products into the consumers mind with the statement an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure?
If this Commission has their final say, natural heath products could be sold but only as a food item and with limited medicinal ingredients. In fact the dosages would be severely reduced and sold at grossly elevated prices. Wheres the prevention?
Can you imagine Vitamin E with only 15mg and Vitamin C with only 60 mg at a cost of $50.00? Its already happening in Germany where an amino acid that once sold for $20, now sells for $120.00. Dosages that exceed these standards would be classified as drugs and therefore illegal to sell.
If you dont think the CODEX can be enforced, guess again. Any country that does not accept these enforced standards would unfortunately be subject to severe fines by the World Trade Organization.
To learn more about the proposed NHP regulations and the Phase-In Transitional periods you can visit
The hidden menace: are you at increased risk of hormonal imbalances and breast cancer? - part 1
Wed, 02 Apr 2008 06:13:23 EDT
... irregular periods, breast cancer, prostate or libido issues. ... Food additives such as compounds given to cattle and sheep to enhance growth...
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