Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Holistic Remedies discussion
Tue, 27 May 2008 17:43:15 GMT
An acai a day The National, United Arab Emirates - Both Spirulina and Chlorella are available as supplements in capsule form, though they are generally sold for far cheaper as a powder to be diluted with ... |
healthygrrl's Journal
Thu, 22 May 2008 15:52:34 EDT
TOday so far:Breakfast1 scoop wheatgrass powder w/ water1 cup sliced strawberries1/2 cup soymilk1/4 cup steel cut organic oatsSnack4 slices soy ham1 bananaLunchsalad w...
My newfound respect for The Hulk
Mon, 26 May 2008 10:27:00 EDT
(After the fact, since Autumn actually was brave enough to eat these abysmal monstrosities, it turns out the cheese wasn't even cheese - it had like wheatgrass s ... This family of Powder-ass looking blonde bitches - again 4 kids 2 parents....
In Harmony...
Thu, 22 May 2008 06:27:00 EDT
. . sprouts I can handle on the road, wheatgrass is trickier. ... 1 quart water 2 persimmons 3 cups water bowl of smoothie: banana/coconut meat/water/spirulina/vanilla powder/maca, with a little slice of coconut crèm...
Wheatgrass PowderTop 5 Diet Myths Revealed
1. Skipping meals during the day helps you eat fewer calories. Truth: eating regularly keeps your metabolism running smoothly, helps keep you satisfied, prevents you from overeating later in the day and helps you meet your nutrient needs. Skipped meals can leave you so hungry at night you can actually consume more than you need in one day at one meal! Aim to eat a meal containing healthy carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fat; don?t go long periods without eating.
2. Snacking is bad. Truth: snacking helps fill in the gaps between meals and keeps you on track by preventing extreme hunger come meal time. Snack food does not have to be associated with candy and chips! Try noshing on a healthy snack containing protein and carbs such as an apple and string cheese, hummus and veggies or fruit and yogurt and keep you blood sugar levels and mood stable. If you go longer than 5 hours between meals, plan in a snack and keep hunger at bay.
3. Eating too late causes you to gain weight. Truth: there is no magic time at which you can not eat. What matters most is how many calories you consume over a 24 hour period and not when you eat them. However, eating too late may interfere with your sleep and leave you feeling full in the morning (we don?t want you to skip breakfast!).
4. Not all fruit is created equal. Truth: all fruit is good for you! In fact, eating a variety of fruit (think all colors from the rainbow) helps you fight disease by stocking up on vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients. You may have heard that some fruit is higher in sugar than others, but what you need to know is all fruit has natural fruit sugar called fructose and per serving, all fruit has the same number of calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates. So, a small banana, a medium apple and a cup of melon are essentially equal! Overall, fruit is low in calories, so add at least 2 servings to your day. *If you suffer from food allergies, please refrain from eating fruit or any food that may not be appropriate for your personal diet.
5. Splurging equals guilt. Truth: there are no ?good? or ?bad? foods. Fitting your favorite foods into your eating plan is okay and can actually help you stay on track. Depriving yourself of specific foods can only set you up for over-indulging later followed by more guilt and a possible hiatus from your plan. So, ditch the guilt and plan small portions of your favorite foods into your day or week! If you over-do it, remind yourself that it?s what you eat over several days that counts and not one day in particular; then forgive yourself and move on.
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