Friday, July 18, 2008
Holistic article
Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is President of LIVE, llc of - visit the website or blog ( ) for more information on weight loss, core fitness programs, and diets. For more inforamtion on the best creatine products go to
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Brain Support
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Even though medical intervention with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) seems to provide appreciable solution, controversy surrounds its long term side effects.
So you have to make a personal decision about what treatment to take. Consider a consultation with your physician or the use of alternative therapy which are readily available, even online.
Jackson Charles Neshah writes for your sound health, get instant menopause relief resorces at any of the these links:, or
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Orange Peel Powder - Vitamin C Supplement
BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs
Whole coffee beans that will be stored longer than a week should be placed in an airtight glass container that's kept in the freezer.
As with any coffee blend, organic or not, grind the beans according to the brewing method you intend to use. Keep in mind that if you grind your beans too fine your coffee may end up bitter and muddy; if you don't grind them enough, your coffee may end up flavorless.
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs
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HolisticIndividual Health Insurance FAQs
Individual health insurance is an insurance plan which provides comprehensive medical coverage to a single person. Unlike group health insurance, which is usually given by companies to their employees, individual health insurance allows you to have a broader selection of health providers. Payments of your medical fees are reimbursed in these plans, therefore lessening the amount of paperwork that you have to go through.
Q. What is the difference between group and individual insurance?
A. What differentiates individual plans from group plans is the evidence of insurability. Before you can get an individual plan, you need to answer a questionnaire to provide the insurance company the information needed to assess your eligibility and to determine the right kind of plan for you. Information on your personal background, habits, medical history, and annual income are always needed when applying for an individual health insurance.
In a group insurance, this personal information is not necessary. By determining the ratio of those with bad health to those with good, the insurance companies are able to determine the kind of insurance plan for the group.
Q. Who can have this type of plan?
A. Not everyone can have this type of plan. Each state has special requirements for eligibility. Check out your state laws on health insurance to be sure.
Q. What if I am denied?
A. If you are denied, the company will give you a written notice regarding your ineligibility. Upon the denial of your application, some insurance companies may still allow you to enroll in other plans. But if you wish to push through with you previous application, you may file an appeal.
Q. Are there other ways for me to get Individual health plans?
A. Yes. If your application for an individual health insurance did not work out with an insurance company, then try getting one through the government. The government also sponsors individual health insurance.
Individual Health Insurance provides detailed information on Individual Health Insurance, Individual Dental Insurance, Affordable Individual Health Insurance, Individual Health Insurance Plans and more. Individual Health Insurance is affiliated with Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quotes. |
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